Renewed Love
9 Week Course

  • Bonus  1 on 1 session with Mary                   Value       $200
  • Bonus   Prophetic consultation                      Value      $500    and training  with Ron             
  • Bonus   Deliverance Prayer Session.           Value       $1200 with Ron and Mary
  • ​9  Week Renewed Love Course                       Value     $3000

Renewed Love Course 
only $500

9 Week Course
CONTACT  Information
Full Name
email address
state / providence/Country if outside US
Money back guarantee:
If after 2 sessions you feel this is not for you
I will give you a full refund.  
I acknowledge that Ronald D. Gordon and Mary L Gordon are prayer ministers and not professional counselors. To the best of their ability they help facilitate connection to God and inner renewal. I understand that specific results are not guaranteed and progress may be immediate or take place over a period of time. I understand that they are committed to confidentiality of any information that is disclosed privately during this class with the following exceptions. 1. Any testimonials may be shared anonymously, meaning the incident could be shared but with no reference to the name of the person or persons involved without permission. 2. Ronald D. Gordon and Mary L. Gordon are required by law to report any intent of a person to take harmful, dangerous or criminal action against another person or against themselves and that they are also required to report any current act of child or elderly abuse or neglect. Release of Liability states that I have voluntarily sought assistance and that I am under no obligation to accept or reject any of the advice or help I might receive from Ronald D.or Mary L. Gordon. I agree to hold harmless Mary L. Gordon and Ronald D. Gordon from any and all liability, loss or damage of any kind that may arise as a result of the ministry I receive from them.

I understand and agree
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Renewed Love 9 week course
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